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Products liability cases are a class of lawsuits that relate to the liability of any or all parties involved with the manufacturing, distribution or sale of a product that has resulted in damage to the purchaser, or a related party, and is caused by the product. If you were harmed by a defective product, the state’s product liability laws can help you obtain compensation for your injuries. Parties that can be potentially liable for a products liability claim can include the manufacturer, distributor, assembly manufacturer, wholesaler or store owner. A case for Products liability typically requires the following: (1) the sale of the product to the injured party; (2) the defendant is a commercial seller of the product; (3) the purchaser or a related party is injured; (4) at the time of sale the product was defective and (5) the product’s defect was the cause of the injury.
Some examples of product liability cases are: auto accidents that result from defective car parts; medical injuries or issues that arise from defective medical devices; unsafe toys that the buyer reasonably expected to be safe for children; batteries in phones and laptops explode; drugs that are rushed to the market and result in serious side effects or life- threatening injury.
If you have a possible products liability claim, it is of the utmost importance that you contact an attorney at Bancroft Law because there is a limited amount of time to file a lawsuit. In Pennsylvania, the state imposes a two years time limit from the date of injury. If a claim is not filed within the deadline the lawsuit could be barred forever, except in limited circumstances.
Over fifty years ago the Bancroft law practice was built on three fundamental pillars that continues to guide the firm
today: the deliberate commitment to the growth and development of others, an unwavering dedication to integrity, and a dedication to strong work ethic. Clients who seek legal services from Bancroft Law will be provided with services that meet, or exceed, the levels of proficiency that the Bancroft family has maintained for the last fifty years.
Bancroft Law represents people throughout all of Eastern Pennsylvania, including those injured in Lehigh, Northampton, Bucks, Schuylkill, Carbon and Monroe counties. Bancroft’s office is conveniently located in the heart of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

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