Page 25 - Vander Plaat Funeral Home
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made any other way are not acceptable Those interested in in in in appointing a a a a a a a a a a a a a funeral agent need to to to visit an an attorney and inform them that they wish to to to designate an individual as a a a a a a a a a funeral agent according to N J S A 45:27-22 The attorney will either draw up a a a a Will Will or or amend the the existing Will Will to to to include language similar to this:
Appointment of Funeral and Disposition Representative
“I hereby nominate constitute and appoint [insert name] to serve as my Funeral and Disposition Representative
pursuant to N J S A 45:27-22 My Representative
shall have the the authority and and power to control the the the arrangements for my my funeral and and the the disposition of my my my remains My Executor shall notify my my my Representative
of this appointment and shall advise my my Representative
of the the financial means available to carry out the the the Funeral and Disposition arrangements In the the the event [insert name] should predecease me me me me or or for some other reason not qualify to serve as as as my Funeral and and Disposition Representative
then I nominate constitute and and and appoint [insert name of alternate] as my Funeral and and Disposition Representative
” Who can be a a a a funeral agent?
Executors of estates friends clergy members social workers specific relatives or or or others can be be named as funeral agents agents Funeral directors should NEVER be named funeral funeral agents agents If a a a a a a a a a a funeral funeral director is unknowingly designated as a a a a a a a a a a a funeral agent they should waive their rights in in in writing and pass them on to another individual What should I be prepared to to to provide when going to to to the funeral home to to to make arrangements?
When making at-need or pre-need arrangements the the family will need need need to provide information information required for for for the the death certificate This information information referred to as vital statistics consists of the following:
• • Deceased’s legal name • • • Legal address
• • • Social security number • • Both parents’ names (including
mother’s maiden name)
• • Date of of birth
• • • Place of of of birth
• • • Level of of education
• • If served in the the military: years of of of service and a a a a a a copy of of the the discharge
papers DD214
• Employment history position held nature of of industry and place of of employment
• If in ground burial or entombment the the cemetery and the the deed if available • If open casket viewing is anticipated clothing and a a a a recent picture
What should I do when a a a death occurs?
Whether sudden or or anticipated call your funeral funeral home of choice A funeral funeral director is available 24 hours a a a a a a a a a a day day day 7 days days a a a a a a a a a a week including holidays They will guide according to your individual situation What if a a a a a death occurs in another state/ town?
Upon notification of of the death call your local funeral funeral home of of choice Your funeral funeral director will be able to to to make the the necessary arrangements to to to to transfer the the the the deceased from the the the place of death to to the the the local funeral home’s care This relieves the the family of of the the stress and financial burden of of dealing with multiple funeral funeral homes Your funeral funeral director can and will coordinate everything for you Why are public viewings important?
Viewing the the deceased allows family and friends to begin the the the process of acceptance Seeing the the the the deceased does not increase the the the the pain on on the the the the contrary in in in in most cases it actually minimizes the the the disbelief fantasies and often distorted images that are present when death Page - - VANDER PLAAT-CAGGIANO FUNERAL HOME VANDER PLAAT-CAGGIANO FUNERAL HOME - - Page 25

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