Page 32 - Pattison Funeral Home
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What can we do with the cremated remains?
The cremated remains may be buried in an existing cemetery plot or a new plot may be purchased. The urn may be placed in a niche in an above ground structure called a columbarium.
Alternatively, some cemeteries have scattering areas on their property. Cremated remains may also be scattered on private property if authorization is obtained. Properties may be bought and sold so it is important to know that once the scattering takes place, the cremated remains are irretrievable. Scattering on either public or private property may offend some people and there may be laws prohibiting such action.
Shipping. If you wish to have the cremated remains go to another country, it is preferred that you have them accompany you for security reasons. The funeral home can supply you with the correct documentation and airline instructions. Shipping within Canada can be done as long as Canada Post will accept the cremated remains. If there are any concerns about the package being lost, as there are no guarantees with public shipping, it is recommended that you take the package to the final destination
Many people prefer to have the urn at home with them. Cremation is now a very popular choice for disposition, and a cremation service can be just as ‘traditional’ as a burial service. A time of family visitation can still be conducted if required and a memorial service held. Following cremation the ashes can be interred as with a burial, or the ashes can be kept with the family or scattered.
When a death occurs
Handling the death of a loved one is never an easy task. We have put together some important information you may need to begin the process of arranging your loved ones final farewell. Remember, as you begin to cope with your loss, it’s often a good idea to enlist the help and support of a trusted friend or family member in making the necessary arrangements.
If you have any questions about your next steps, the options available to you or what the funeral arrangement process will entail, we would be honored to walk you through this information in more detail and answer your questions. Don’t hesitate to contact us for anything you might need. (402-526- 2214).
Within hours
When a death occurs while your loved one is in a hospital, care facility or hospice program; the professional staff will notify you and contact the appropriate authorities. If you have already given them the name of a funeral home, the facility will contact them as well. If your loved one is in palliative care at home, the funeral home can come directly to your home.
If you are ever unsure of whom you should notify or what your next steps should be, please call us for assistance in determining the appropriate course of action for your particular situation. (403-526-2214).
Within the first few days
After you have taken care of the initial necessary arrangements, you will want to notify friends and relatives of the death. If it is too painful for you to do this yourself, it is absolutely okay for a trusted friend or relative to make the call in your place. Now is the time to review any pre-arranged wishes or plans your loved one may have put in place and meet with the professionals here at the home to discuss your options and begin arranging details. The funeral home
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