Page 10 - Demo
P. 10

REV 18
REV 18
DISPLAY UNIT FAILURE (For B-18359 ~ B-18361)
DU is blank (with or without a large letter "F" in amber), or the display is distorted or DU brightness reduce to the minimum :
– DU (affected) brightness knob...............OFF then ON The display will recover after 10 s.
! If unsuccessful :
– DU (affected)................................................. AS RQRD
The DU can be switched off.
– ECAM / ND SEL (if ECAM DUs affected).............. USE
Transfer SD to F/O or CAPT ND.
– PFD / ND XFR (if EFIS DUs affected) ................... USE INVALID DISPLAY UNIT message is displayed :
This may be caused by a DU failure.
......................................... WAIT MORE THAN 40s ! IF DU is automatically recovered :
No crew action is required.
! IF DU is not recovered :
– Non-recovered DU.................................... AS RQRD
The DU can be switched off.
INVALID DATA message is displayed (not on all DUs) :
This failure may be due to a DMC FAULT, or a communication interruption between the DMC and DU.
– DMC SWITCHING (EFIS OR ECAM) ............. AS RQRD ! if unsuccessful :
– DU (affected) ......................................OFF THEN ON Note: ND display may disappear, in case too many waypoints and associated information are displayed. Reduce the range or deselect WPT or CSTR and the display will automatically recover after about 30 seconds.
INVALID DATA is displayed on all DUs :
The autopilot, autothrust and MCDU navigation data are still available and may be used.
......................................... WAIT MORE THAN 40s ! IF all DUs are automatically recovered :
No crew action is required.
! IF one or more DUs are not recovered :
– Non-recovered DUs ........................... OFF FOR 40s. – Non-recovered DUs............ BACK ON sequentially
! If the initial failure re-occurs (INVALID DATA message appears on all DUs) when switching a given DU back ON :
Apply the entire procedure again from the beginning. Leave this specific DU permanently OFF.
INVALID DATA message is displayed on ECAM DUs (EWD and SD) :
– ECAM DMC SWITCHING.............................................2
This action enables the recovery of both ECAM DUs.
Inversion of E/WD and SD :
– ECAM UPPER DISPLAY ........................OFF THEN ON
The action on the ECAM DMC SWITCHING selector produces the same effect.

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