Page 2 - SRG Corporate Profile
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A message from the CEO
While insurance can be complex, it doesn’t need to be confusing.
SRG was founded on the principle of making the entire insurance and risk management process a simple one.
We have a team of dedicated, passionate and knowledgeable professionals who’ll go out of their way to deliver exceptional service while offering a range of products that are relevant and cost-effective.
SRG’s Positioning Statement:
There are many things about our firm that sets us apart from our competitors. The following statement encapsulates our ethos to managing your insurance risks:
“On the surface, price is very important. However, what’s more important is the long-term strategy you adopt to manage your business risks and promote your risk profile to insurers. Partner with an insurance broker who shares this vision and price will take care of itself.”
We look forward to making your insurance easy.
- Rod Fitzgerald,
CEO and Co-Founder.

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