Page 201 - maxim art monograph
P. 201

Radiant Asceticism:
St. Parasceva of Epibatima acrylic on canvas, 2023
The artist captures the heart of Christian optimism in portraying this saint of Serbian descent. Parasceva’s serene face reflects her profound de- votion to Christ, born out of a life dedicated to asceticism. Her years in the Jordan wilderness, marked by re- lentless commitment and trials, are conveyed through her unwavering gaze. The face of Parasceva emanates a longing for asceticism in the name of Christ, now met with the radiant countenance of her heavenly Bride- groom. The artist skillfully conveys the saint’s enduring spirit and tri- umph over challenges, inviting view- ers into her world of spiritual resil- ience. The vibrant colors in the paint- ing symbolize the transformation brought about by the saint’s presence in the wilderness, reflecting the pro- found impact of her holy life.

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