Page 206 - Maxim_Painting_Monograph
P. 206
Eternal Christ: The Way, Truth, and Life, acrylic on gesso board, 2023
This icon represents the culmination of Maxim’s iconographic explorations over recent years. Its main features are characterized as follows: From a spiri- tual perspective, it portrays eyes that gaze upon us with profound love, em- bodying the true way, truth, and life in an ontological sense. The ultimate PAN- TOKRATOR, descending from divine heights, embraces His beloved creation with a humble and loving look. In terms of color, the face radiates a joyful light, stemming from an interplay of comple- mentary warm orange and cool blue oil strokes. Structurally, the garments are depicted with a sparkling interplay of colors, creating a vibrant photostruc- ture. Unlike typical paintings where dark lines often define the structure, here it is the bright lines that form the intriguing structure of the painting. It can be likened to a fiery work, reminis- cent of a volcano awakening from slumber, charting the path of its fiery lava—embodying the loving fire, “the light that enlightens every man coming into the world.” — Stamatis Skliris