Page 483 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
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Hasio, i. M. (1744). Map of Hungary in the broad sense and the old or methodical complex of kingdoms: Hungary in a narrower sense, Croatia, Dalmatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgar- ia, Kumanija; principality: Transylvania; despotism: Wal- lachia, Moldavia... (Hvngarie ampliori significatu et veteris vel Methodicae complexae Regna: Hungariae propriae, Cro- atiae, Dalmatiae, Bosniae, Serviae, Bulgariae, Cvmaniae, Principatum: Transsylvaniae, Despotatus: Walachiae Mol- daviae [exclusis ab eadem alienatis Galitia et Lvdomiriria] in suas Provincias ac partes divisae et quoad Imperantes ex Avstiacis, Tvrcis et Venetis distinctae ...), 1:2 500 000 [Norim- bergæ].
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european Maps
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  Through the benevolence of the Father, and the incarnation of the Son, and the grace of the Holy Spirit, this holy and divine temple of our most pure Sovereign Lady Theotokos, of her Presentation into the Temple, was built and wall-painted by the command and repurchase by the lord and young king Marko, in the year 6879 (=1370–1371), of Indictus 9.
inscription on the Church of the Presentation of the Theotokos into the temple, in Prizren

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