Page 644 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
P. 644

From the 13th to the 20th century
 Hadži-Ruvim’s hand-carved icon representing the Patriarchate of Peć, from the year 1797; the inscription under the church reads:
This icon of the holy Slavic-Serb Patriarchate and Monastic com- munity called Peć was carved with the support of hieromonk Isaija Pećanac in the year 1797 It was carved by Ruvim, archi- mandrite of the Monastery of Bogovadja, and donated to the M(onastery) of P(eć)
pel] near the church of Christ’s saint and wonderworker Nicholas in the village of Očarevo near the River Klina, in the home of elder Maxim and his son priest Rajić, may the Lord have mercy on them! (...) and it was a time of distress and adversity in terms of expenditure. But i tackled the writ- ing enthusiastically and i wrote and completed the manu- script of this book (...) This sacred and divine book of evan- gel was transcribed in the year 7070 (1562), in those bitter and miserable times, in the days of Sultan Selim, the butch- er of Christians. i, full of sins and the least deserving of all people, Diak Simon transcribed this book with the help of God and all saints (...)
The note in the MS of the Patriarchate of Peć: Ni iV, 61–62 (6316). Selim ii reigned from 1566 to 1574; therefore, the year in the note is probably incorrect.
By the will of the Son and with the help of the Holy Spirit (!), this divine edifice was built through the efforts [of its build- ers] and with the help of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul in the year 7072 (1564).
The inscription on the walls of the church in the village of Mušni- kovo, Sredačka Župa: Ni i, 200 (642)
DiaK [SCRiBe] SiMON TRaNSCRiBeS a BOOK iN THe ViLLaGe OF PReKaZi, 1567
(...) i completed the manuscript of this book with the help of God on january 31, on Saturday, at sunset (...) This holy book was transcribed at the Church of the ascension of our Most Holy Sovereign Lady Mother of God and ever Virgin Mary, the only Lady (...) i, Scribe Simon, full of sins and the least of all people, transcribed this book (...) i scribed in the days of Tsar Selim, the bloodshedder, fornicator, wine drink- er. in that year, he had janissaries as well as travnina [a rent for tenancy of pastures] collected in all of his lands, and it was bitter evil (...) and numerous other evils in those bitter and hard times due to which i was not able to write prop- erly. Forgive me! amen!
The note in the manuscript of the Zograf Monastery: Ni iV, 67– 68 (6337)
THe WaLL-PaiNTiNG OF THe GRaČaNiCa NaRTHeX, 1570
By the will of the Father who is unborn and with the help of the Son who was born and co-eternal and through the ac- tion of the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father and rests in the Son, we had this narthex in the Church of the Dormi- tion of the Most Pure Sovereign Lady and ever Virgin Mary wall-painted by order of the most reverend archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of all Serbs and those in the littoral and other lands Kyrr Makarije, through the efforts of the most reverend Metropolitan of Herzegovina Kyrr andony, in the month of September, on the 8th day of the month. Christ is the beginning and the end. Glory to God the Perfecter of all things, amen!
The inscription in the Church of the Gračanica Monastery: Ni i, 213 (688)
This holy and divine book of Four Gospels was transcribed in the year 7079 (july 4 =1571) by order and through the ar- dor and endeavor of the all-blessed presbyter Kyrr Radonja in those bitter and hard times, in the days of Sultan Selim. Oh, oh, such evil in the time of Hagarenes! [it was] abject misery and suffering for the people in those days! Oh, what upheavals! (...) Hark, reverend fathers and brethren and spir- itual children, what i say: this book was transcribed in the land of Zagora, in a home in Has near the River Lim in the village of Zapotočce, near the Christ’s church of Saint Nich- olas in the home of priest Radonja—may the Lord pardon him for he made great efforts together with his wife and sons

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