Page 678 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
P. 678

From the 13th to the 20th century
Serb festivities in Visoki Dečani on the Feast of Dormition
The attitude of Mr. Mashkov was fraternal indeed and his intercession on behalf of the Serbs as well as his encour- agement and support are really worthy of praise and of our acknowledgement [...]
aS, MFa, Political and educational affairs, 1901, f-1
Dr. Mih. Vujić, President of the Ministerial Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs, to Stojan Novaković, Minister to Sankt Petersburg
Political and educational
affairs, No 3027 Belgrade,
august 16th/29th, 1902
Since spring this year, terror in Old Serbia has assumed such proportions that the life of our compatriots has become des- perate and insufferable. Not a single day can pass without the Ministry receiving reports from various parts of Old Ser- bia on most abominable and atrocious crimes. it is typical that this year, more than ever, albanians are targetting the honor and integrity of Serbian women and girls. and it is even more symptomatic that albanians—an example occur- ring seldom amongst the chronicles of albanian crimes be- fore—are striking at Serbian sanctuaries, churches and mon- asteries. Turkish authorities have demonstrated an utter in- difference to Serbian complaints. There have even been cases of plaintiffs brought to court and severely punished for com- plaining against bogusly innocent people. if there has ever been an investigation, it was conducted and procrastinated in such a way that all substantial evidence finally disappeared or the accused escaped or the authorities exerted pressure on the plaintiff to drop the charges. So, it is natural that such an attitude of Turkish authorities—which is nothing but com- plicity in all the crimes of albanian of terrorists—encour- aged not only the known criminals but also ordinary alba- nians to perpetrate crimes in the light of day in all parts of Old Serbia, in towns and villages. For instance, i will men- tion the fact that in the past twenty days three respectable Serbs have been murdered: Tasa jović from Dragovac, some Pašković guy from nearby Mitrovica and anta jeličić, a serf from Novi Pazar municipality.
The complaints and grievance of the population that is starting a massive exodus to Serbia have now assumed quite a categorical nature. it openly gets across the message that the situation in Old Serbia is untenable and, should it go on like this for a while, without us standing up for them, all the remaining people will have to embrace another religion, meaning Turkish or Catholic, as these two are spared the albanian wantonness for well known reasons. according to the assurances of our Consule in Priština, Rector of Theo- logical Faculty and customs officers at the javor and Raška, the local population is determined to free themselves of the unbearable situation at all costs (...)
THe DiPLOMaTiC CORReSPONDeNCe OF THe KiNGDOM OF SeRBia i, 1933, pp. 272–273
 The special unit of nizams (Ottoman soldiers) in front of the Monastery of Visoki Dečani
 The visit of the Russian consul from Prizren to the Visoki Dečani Monastery was secured from Albanian outlaws by the special Ottoman units—nizams

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