Page 90 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
P. 90

Gojko Subotić
 Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles – Pentecost,
Church of Saint Demetrius, western bay, north wall, the Patriarchate of Peć, 1322–1324
church, while at the opposite end, on the eastern wall, are the annunciation, the Nativity of the Mother of God and the Presentation of the Mother of God at the Temple.
The two ecumenical Councils in which the dogma of the Christian church was founded form a fascinating ec- clesiastical and historical subject; there were also two Ser- bian Councils which are represented here in frescos. The First of the Councils was held in the same spirit by Saint Sava—probably the council in Žiča, when the head of the new autocephalous (autonomous) church delivered his fa- mous speech on the righteous faith. The Descent of the
Holy Spirit to the apostles, a fresco in the same section of the Church, describes the apostolic mission facing the Ser- bian bishops and clergy: tongues of flame convey to them the ability to preach among nations whose language they do not know; that is why the image of the young Christ, painted here above the participants of the synods, bestows a similar divine benefit on account of his blessing.
The other Serbian Council joined two persons whose reigns were an entire century apart St. Simeon Nemanja and King Milutin—in an interesting manner. The gesture by which the holy founder of the dynasty points to his

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