Page 24 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 24

Saint Sebastian
Parish Slava 2022
in Carson, City, Nevada
Carson City, NV – With the grace of God, on Sunday, September 4, 2022, our Bishop Max- im joined us for the Divine Liturgy, followed
by the blessing and cutting of the Kolach (festal bread), wine, and Zhito (boiled wheat). A delicious and plentiful luncheon banquet combined with Christian fellowship in the presence of our spiritual shepherd made for a joyous afternoon!
The Slava observance is a custom unique to the Serbian people: while many Christians as individu- als recognize a patron saint, members of the same Serbian family or community commemorate a shared saint or feast day that has been passed down the family line for generations. Every part of the ser- vice reminds us of the life, death, and resurrection of

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