Page 48 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 48

Many children and faithful were united with Christ receiving the Holy Eucharist. At the conclu- sion of the Divine Liturgy our Bishop blessed the wonderful decorated Slava bread made by Radenka Minic and Beba Radomirka Petrovic.
After the service, His Grace went to the new church which construction is finally close to be fin- ished, to have a look on the newly installed marble floor, expressing His gladness about the visible prog- ress.
In the last year many remaining tasks on our new church were finished for what we thank our Lord and God.
During the festive banquet lunch with a filled church hall close to capacity the master of ceremony, Bill Davidovich, eloquently led the program and thanked all for coming and all volunteers for their help and support.
Bill also thanked the Kolo, Women’s auxiliary un- der the presidency of Susan Pavich, for all their tre- mendous work, support of the church, Bake Sales and their donation.

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