Page 6 - Western Diocese Annual 2023
P. 6

 Greeting by Father-Bishop Maxim
Amidst the profound joy of gathering for the annual Diocesan Days celebration in Alhambra, California, we come together as a testament to our purpose: to expand and bear witness to our Orthodox Faith on this blessed continent, fueled by determination, hope, and Christian love.
Our first treasure is the Church, embracing all other precious aspects of our Western Diocese under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Within this pan-Orthodox setting, the dynamism in our parishes reflects the spirit that has shaped our faithful, providing education and fostering respect for each person. The Diocese encompasses monasteries, sketes, and hermitages, allowing each person to find a space and program of life that aids tЅЅheir spiritual development and devotion to
Christ our God.
The Commemorative Book in your hands, courtesy of our Diocesan publishing
house, Sebastian Press, recounts not just mere sagas of events since our last gathering, but the manifestation of particular, personal gifts of grace bestowed upon us by the Lord. We are called to nurture and assimilate these blessings, transforming them into a record of faith’s power, empowering us to face the challenges and temptations that lie ahead.
The theme of this year’s Diocesan Days, “Seek First the Kingdom of God,” reminds us that the Future Age serves as the measure and judge of every aspect of our life. The Truth of the Church heals our weaknesses and transcends linear historicism, making the Kingdom of God an integral part of the Church’s historical consciousness and that of all Christians.
As we gather, let us strengthen our commitment to seeking God’s Kingdom above all else, anchoring our faith in the eternal truths of the Church and striving to live in harmony with its timeless teachings. May our unity and devotion shine forth as a beacon of hope and love in our communities and beyond.

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