Page 12 - Monograph Max
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and the artwork. The crisis faced by painting today may stem from the absence of a profound gaze.
To defend a more charming and liberated world, contrasting with the current state of affairs, the Painter embraces weighty themes such as the joy of existence, the inevitability of death, and the role of art in shaping human fate. This is done with a wise childlike innocence and a pure, untainted gaze, ele- vating painting to a transformative and revolution- ary force.
In the crucible of pain, modern man does dwell, Amidst social struggles, human woes, a tale to tell. Loneliness, a burden heavy to bear,
Aching dramas play out, in heart and in air.
In art’s canvas, the turmoil finds a voice,
An expression of anxieties, a powerful choice. No excommunication, for I understand,
It mirrors human struggles, on every hand.
Through modern art’s lens, I empathize,
As it unveils the depths where suffering lies.
The brushstrokes and colors, emotions laid bare, Reflecting the human condition,
life’s wear and tear.
In the midst of chaos, art dares to ignite,
A spark of hope, a beacon in the night.
For by acknowledging pain and shadows within, We embark on a journey, healing to begin.
An artistic view negates the coincidence of the concept with the object of perception. By the same token, from the very beginning, an ecclesial (escha-
tological) view of truth reveals the experience of per- sonal presence, in which the world is something we experience and not something we think about. Ste- fan Zweig in his The Secret of Artistic Creation ex- plains the conception of a work of art as an inner process, a divine phenomenon, a mystery.
Here Zweig’s credo hints at the image of Genesis, where the miracle of a creatio ex nihilo is narrated. Only sporadically are human beings able to share in this miracle, and that is what transpires in art.
To be a painter is to be a poet who embarks on a timeless journey, exploring the vastness of life’s mysteries, and transmuting them into verses that endure beyond the limits of time. In the hearts of those who read their words, poets leave a lasting im- print, awakening the stars that reside within each of us, guiding us to seek deeper meaning, and embrac- ing the wonders of being alive.
I am grateful to Denis Vikic, someone who has been a valuable companion in my artistic journey. Our long, joyful, journey in artistic inquiries through various trends was very fruitful. To him I dedicate the following verses as a way to appreciate the bond and experiences shared with him.