Page 159 - Monograph Max
P. 159

edly seen artwork.
This poet from distant lands, surely he was, did not
attempt to decipher the intricate theological meanings hidden within the Ljeviša frescoes, nor could he share in the religious fervor intended for the believers who gazed upon them. Yet, his admiration must have mirrored that which contemporary souls, unfamiliar with the enig- matic Christian symbolism, feel when encountering the melodic colors of these ancient paintings, the harmoni- ous rhythms of their shapes, the vitality of majestic and evocative figures, and the masterful compositions, im- bued with authentic humanity.
Moved by the brilliance of the Ljeviša paintings, this wise Easterner, with a noble spirit and a refined appre- ciation for timeless beauty, stands closer to us today than if he had left behind his name. Breaking free from the confines of his land and religion, he passionately embraced the art he witnessed. With sincere admira- tion, he bestowed a tribute to real art, a recognition ex- pressed through the words of an artist—a verse from the celebrated Persian lyricist, Hafiz—a poetic saluta- tion to boundless joy: “My eye’s pupil is your nest.”
Your Brush
In the realm of art, a wondrous shift takes place, From a skilled artist to an iconographer’s embrace, Interpreting Resurrection’s joy in unique refrain, Where all is aglow with boundless gain.
A light unfading bathes all things in sight, Corruptible takes on incorruptible might, Mortality transcends, embracing immortality’s plea,
In this divine dance of life’s grand jubilee.
Amidst this spectacle, you stand in awe,
As joy engulfs, leaving you awestruck and raw, Your brush, a conduit to the earthquake’s force, Where hell is vanquished, and death destroyed.
With each stroke, you capture the triumph of the day,
Raising the dead, as they join in the festival’s array, Your artistry now a vessel for the sacred and profound,
An iconographer’s path, in divine realms un- bound.

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