Page 59 - Monograph Max
P. 59

 Light-Giving Revelation 2, acrylic on canvas, 2022
METAPHYSICAL APPROACH. We can say that the megalopolis’ illu- mination comes from the illumina- tion of the Spirit. And we have evi- dence that the great inventor had powerful metaphysical tendencies. The dove’s descent refers to the Holy Spirit, who leads to discover- ies and theological surprises with His inspiration. And the reflections of the city in the waters balance the action of the painting from the left side with the surprise of electrifi- cation in a world dark before. In the middle of the painting, the author of the surprise of a new era for hu- manity.
PICTORIAL APPROACH. Having all the tools of Impressionism in his quiver, the painter convinces us that the depicted dove, a symbol of the Spirit, and the shining electri- fied city, express the significant change brought about by electricity in society, which is equivalent to a cultural revolution. The existential side of this miracle is painted in Tesla’s gaze, which takes on a meta- physical dimension. The inventor is depicted as knowing some great se- cret as if something has been re- vealed to him that the rest of us are unaware of. And the body language speaks of certainty, of a new reali- ty—a photo transformation of peo- ple’s lives. —Stamatis Skliris

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