Page 41 - Demo
P. 41
The Gambler’s Dilemma,
acrylic on canvas panel, 2025
This painting portrays Fyodor
Dostoyevsky dominating the
composition, his figure and ex-
pression capturing a deeply in-
trospective moment during his
stay in Wiesbaden, Germany. The
renowned author stands as the
central focus, his face reflecting
a blend of hesitation and inner
conflict as he contemplates
whether to enter the gambling
game. To the right, much smaller
in scale, card players are depict-
ed in the midst of their game,
their activity contrasting with
Dostoyevsky’s solitary reflection.
The background subtly incorpo-
rates features of Wiesbaden,
serving as a homage to Dosto-
yevsky’s ties to Germany and the
experiences that shaped his lit-
erary genius.