Page 28 - HSS Safety Catalogue
P. 28

                                MA02151 MA02150 MA02149 MA02148
210 x 148mm 297 x 210mm 420 x 297mm 594 x 420mm
MA04051 MA04050
210 x 148mm* 297 x 210mm
MA03151 MA03150
210 x 148mm* 297 x 210mm
MA07051 210 x 148mm MA07050 297 x 210mm MA07049 420 x 297mm
100 x 250mm*
100 x 250mm*
(A5) (A4)
(A3) (A2)
MA00651 MA00650 MA00649
210 x 148mm* 297 x 210mm 420 x 297mm
MA07151 MA07150 MA07149
210 x 148mm* 297 x 210mm 420 x 297mm
MA04551 MA04550
210 x 148mm* 297 x 210mm
Wear safety harness
Wear protective clothing
    Lab coats must be worn in this area
  MA00529 300 x 500mm* MA00536 450 x 600mm
“A foundry has been fined after a worker suffered serious burns when his clothing caught fire.
An investigation by the HSE found that the company failed to provide adequate training and PPE to employees. ”
(L) = Landscape Sign (P) = Portrait Sign
*Rigid Only
£6£.78.512 £8£.9.026 £7£.70.129 ££111.0.582 ££2201.2.01 ££1189.6.461 ££3356.3.􏰀80 ££3301.3.523
See below
each illustration for code
Size (H x W)
100 x 250mm (L) 150 x 300mm (L) 210 x 148mm (P) 297 x 210mm (P) 300 x 500mm (L) 420 x 297mm (P) 450 x 600mm (L) 594 x 420mm (P)
£5£.69.41􏰀 £4£.4.866 £7£.73.261
££1122.1.50􏰀 ££1177.1.􏰀65 ££1166.1.􏰀50
Personal Protective
Equipment Signs
Your PPE must be in a good condition. When it’s not in use, store it away in a dry, clean cupboard. It’s handy to have a supply of disposable suits/overalls for visitors on site. Using safety signs around your premises is a good reminder for staff and visitors.
*Rigid Only

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