Page 28 - ISosFoundation-FERMA-KPMG_Workers on the move 2017
P. 28

The changing environment brings an established travel risk programme into focus
Philippe Viénot Arnaud Chevreul
Group Insurable Risk Manager Head of Security
Q1 How has the importance of managing health, safety and security risks for your international/cross-border travellers evolved over the last few years?
A: Security for our travellers has always been a key priority for us. We have been concerned to anticipate situations for our travellers in territories of higher risk for some time, so we have had procedures in e ect longer than the last few years. Incidents have occured, notably terrorism-related, over the last two to three years. It is not necessarily that they are new but they have become more frequent and more global. They have not caused us to take speci c action but brought them into focus, both in terms of taking into account the development of certain threats and the
development of new technologies in managing them. From a security perspective, we have emphasised increased awareness among travellers. We are looking for more support from our subsidiaries and teams on the ground in destination countries.
Dr Marc Ducret
Head of Occupational Medicine
Dr Bérengère Petit Le Toumelin
Medical Coordinator
Q2 Towhatextentisthistheresultofchangestoyourbusinessortoexternalfactors? A: It is the environment that has changed. The number of travellers and the bank’s
footprint are quite stable. We are still present in the same number of countries.
Q3 How does travel risk management work within the enterprise risk management? Who is involved?
A: The management of travel risks involves security, operational risk and insurance management, and employee bene ts and compensation. We also work closely with occupational health. As the stakeholders, we are structured in a common team. Together, we are responsible together for the contracts of insurance and for our service providers, for example for traveller assistance and expatriate health. For example, Philippe Viénot purchases the insurance, but the group decides what policy we need. When our service suppliers need a decision in all aspects of security or health assistance to the traveller or expatriate, they do not discriminate among these functions in terms of who they contact. Clearly, we talk among ourselves but the responsibility for decisions is shared among the functions. The ultimate reporting line is the global head/director of security. If we ever need to refer any questions, he is the one we see.
BNP Paribas, with headquarters in Paris, provides a wide range of  nancial services
in 74 countries on  ve continents. It has nearly 200,000 employees.
Risk pro le: The  rm has approximately 30,000 travellers and they make about 300,000 trips annually. Most travellers are going to capital cities and major business centres.

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