Page 8 - iSOS_Global Agility
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Addressing your challenges
Size does not matter
With our uncompromising approach to quality of service, our mid-sized customers bene t today from the same world-standard quality, professionalism, experience and reach as giant corporations.
Mobile workers should have access to the same standard of medical and security services when abroad as they would receive in their home country.
Global and fully integrated
¡ One solution for medical and security: online, on-call and on the ground
¡ Allows organisations to demonstrate health, safety and security responsibility for their mobile workforce ¡An integrated medical and security assistance network combined with an online solution to track, inform
and manage travellers
¡ Unrivalled deployment of multicultural and multilingual skills; a unique expertise in health and security
Enabling global business
¡Supports e orts to grow business and opportunities internationally
¡Protects your mobile workforce travelling to high and extreme risk countries
¡Helps organisations to comply with regulations and enforce health and safety guidelines ¡ Making business possible for your people travelling the world
1. Source: ICHLC 2014 Corporate Health Trends report.
2. Source: based on a detailed analysis of all corporate medical cases managed globally by International SOS in 2014.
Prevention creates risk awareness and reduces costs.
3x 1 Travellers in high risk countries are three times more likely to need medical evacuation.
only 1% of cases we manage require an evacuation or repatriation.

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