Page 103 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 103

  Part 2
Corporate Governance
3) TheBoardofDirectorsreflectsitsresponsibilityinthefinancialreportdisclosureintheForm 56-1 One Report, together with financial statement and auditor report include.
3.1) ItisanactionincompliancewiththelawthatrequirestheBoardofDirectorstoprepare the true and reasonable financial statement and operation performance for quarterly or yearly in the previous.
3.2) It is responsible to manage to get the accurate and complete accounting data that is sufficient to maintain the company’s assets and to reflect the concerned points in order to prevent the corruption or abnormal operation.
3.3) It is the confirmation that the Company follows the generally accepted accounting standards, exercises the proper accounting policy and consistently practices it, and uses its reasonable judgment on the financial statement preparation.
Succession Plan
The Board of Directors assigned the Nomination & Remuneration Committee to prepare the succession plan and criteria of the director and executive positions to prepare readiness of personnel in the organization especially in executive positions by making a development and training plan including the transfer of knowledge and skills to the people involved. To be assured that the Company will have knowledgeable and capable management who can take important position in the future including to prevent emergency which may impact to business operations in the case of a key job vacancy and consistent with long-term sustainable corporate development.
In 2024, the Board of Directors approved the succession plan and the policy for succession planning which is applicable to senior executives, supervisors at various level, and strategic positions which have an impact to the success of the organization by setting criteria to identify important positions, successor selection process, personnel development, monitoring and evaluation plan.
Orientation for New Director
The Board of Directors provides the orientation to all new directors before acting so that they know the expectation of their roles, duties and responsibilities, the company’s policy and operational guideline for the corporate governance. They should understand the business nature and various operational aspects of the company. Chief Executive Officer or the person assigned by the Chief Executive Director will provide information on orientation of new director.
In 2024, the Company has 2 new directors are Mr. Somyod Suteerapornchai, Independent Director, and Mr. Sutee Samathi, Executive Director, which has already completed the orientation for new director.
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Union Auction Public Company Limited

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