Page 2 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
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To be the center for displaying products and services so that the buyers and the sellers can have the appropriated prices, with sufficient information to make decisions.
Main missions of the Company comprise of missions towards the customers, the shareholders and the society and they are as follows:
To provide services for properties safeguarding and condition improvement beyond the auction. We are the integrated value added creator who focuses on honesty and identity service quality to deliver valuable products with the highest creditability, as well as to enhance impression and good relationship with the customers.
To have good corporate governance pursuant to the international standards to build sustainable growth for the organization and to create high investment returns to the shareholders.
To build up strength for being the learning organization, awareness on giving priority to customers to create capability, skills and responsibility as well as to enhance the employee engagement toward the organization so that they can perform duties with full potential.
Assist, promote and take responsibility to the society and environment.
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)

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