Page 84 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 84

  Part 2
Corporate Governance
2. Audit Committee consists of 4 persons as follows:
1) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saowanee Thairungroj 2) Mrs. Wilaiwan Srisamrual
3) Mr. Somyod Suteerapornchai
4) Dr. Theerathon Tharachai
Chairman Member Member Member
Mr. Thanee Boonwattanasiri is the Secretary of the Audit Committee.
Mrs. Wilaiwan Srisamrual is the audit director with knowledge and experience in reviewing the financial statement.
Scope of duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee
1. Review the preparation of financial reports of the Company and incorporate with external auditors to obtain the credible financial report with the reliability and adequacy of information disclosure according to the generally accepted accounting standards.
2. Review the process to ensure that the Company conforms to policies, rules, practices, regulations, and other laws relevant to the Company’s business.
3. Review and propose to appoint and revoke the independent persons to be the Company’s accounting auditors, propose for the audit fees and attend the meeting with accounting auditors without the Management’s participation for at least once a year.
4. Review the connected transactions or transactions possible to have conflicts of interest to comply with the law and SET’s Act to ensure such transactions are reasonable and bring the highest benefits to the Company.
5. Review the internal control system and ensure the process to conform with the Company’s risk management and manage relating to anti-corruption including advice the management team to improve the operations to reduce the risks in all aspects.
6. Follow up, evaluate and report the practice of good corporate governance.
7. Review the appropriateness of the assets maintenance and ensure its physical existence. 8. Assess the effectiveness of the Company’s resources deployment.
9. Specify the scope of work of the internal audit, provide the comments on the annual audit
plan and evaluate the audit result of the internal auditor.
10. Appoint the external advisor for the advice and assistance in the audit process.
11. Approve the designation, relocation, dismissal and set the remuneration of the internal audit
head. As well as to provide information to the Chief Executive Officer to jointly evaluate the performance of the internal auditors.
12. Review the scope of authority, duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee to propose for approval from the Board of Directors every year.
13. Perform any other tasks assigned by the Board of Directors.
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)

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