Page 98 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
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  Part 2
Corporate Governance
Commission (SEC), the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), Thai Listed Companies Association, Thai Investors Association, the mai Listed Company Association (maiA), or other independent organizations, etc.
In 2024, the directors and executives attended seminars as follows:
1. Mrs. Wilaiwan Srisamrual, Independent Director, attended the training course/seminar as follows: 1) “Prevention and suppression of inappropriate behavior of listed companies” organized by
the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
2) “Insight in SET: AC Focus” organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
2. Mr. Somyod Suteerapornchai, Independent Director, attended the training on Hot issue for Director on the topic of Empowering Boards: Enhancing Governance, Standards, and Financial Insights, organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand in collaboration with the Thai Institute of Directors Association.
3. Mr. Sarawut Charuchinda, Director, attended the training for the Audit Committee seminar, organized by EY Office Company Limited.
4. Mr. Varunryoo Sila, Director and Chief Executive Officer, attended the training course/seminar
as follows:
1) “Executive Training Program on Administrative Justice Class 3” organized by Foundation
for Research and Development of the Administrative Justice System.
2) “CreateEverlastingCompany:Sustainability,Succession,andStrategy”organizedbythe
mai Listed Company Association.
5. Mr. Sutee Samathi, Director and Managing Director, attended the training course/seminar as
1) “Director Accreditation Program (DAP) Class 217/2024” organized by the Thai Institute
of Directors Association.
2) “VAIP by SPU : Visionary Artificial Intelligence Partnership” organized by Sripathum
1. Mr. Siripat Thammanoonkul, Chief of Information System Division, attended the training for ESG-related risks and management A practical guide for listed companies organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
2. Mr. Suchol Ratchaya, Chief Accounting and Finance Officer, attend the training course as
1) CFO Refresher Course 2023 (Online) organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
2) ESG-related risks and management A practical guide for listed companies organized by
the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)

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