Page 2 - July 2018 Disruption Report
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  1. AI for Sustainable Energy Management. By 2025 there will be a new smart energy grid and many clean energy innovations that will be available. AI’s will manage a new agile energy world that humans may not fully understand. A cluster of machine and deep learning systems will manage, deploy and distribute energy assets, mostly renewables-- less cost more energy.
2. AI Transforms Hunger. We produce enough food today to feed the planet but we don’t know how to distribute it properly. We actually don’t know where all the food is produced on the planet today. By 2025 AI’s will help manage this complexity with ease ending generations of suffering and inefficiency from ineffective supply chains.
3. AI Diagnoses, Treats and Prevents Disease. Today we are on the cusp of various AI’s being used to analyze the big data of disease. By 2025 evidence-based medicine led by AI diagnostics will be everywhere via the cloud. AI doctors and researchers will transform the diagnosis, treatment and most of all, AI’s will prevent 20% of all illness.
4. AI as Robo Investors. By 2025 AI’s get better returns on investment working cooperatively with humans then humans alone. With the complexity and massive changes in markets AI’s managers will be in huge demand by humans.
5. AI Makes Robots Smarter. AI has enhanced the brains of robots which has created a new generation of social and commercial robots, who have made valuable contributions to science and society. Ai’s will enable teachers and inventors, care givers and companions, all will become part of our future.
6. AI Enhances Human Performance. AI in Medicine will evolve to enhancement. With people living older, wanting to live healthier free from disease and with the crush of big data and the fierce competition for jobs, human enhancement is coming. Increasing mobility freedom, learning, refreshing cognition, personalized medicine, consumer genomics, synbio and genetic engineering all will become part of the human enhancement future.
7. AI Enables Entrepreneurs to Invent the Future. Imagine a Steve Jobs AI avatar to help you in 2025 design your new product. Help you engineer the next electric car. Or rocket ship. Develop the next smart phone or sustainable nano-energy product. AI’s will help us humans accelerate innovation and become great entrepreneurs.
8. AI Transforms Transportation. From flying in space to navigating to work. AI driving cars, planes and ships will alter the global transportation system. Automated highways, next
gen supersonic flight, to self-driving cars in your town; AI’s will change the way we travel perhaps making it safer, faster and more efficient.
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