Page 9 - March 2018 Disruption Report
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  skeptical about that because I think for a lot of people the comfort of a central authority
of political oversight is still going to be very important. ...The attraction of this technology for central banks is that you can completely defeat money laundering and tax evasion. It’s actually a lot of money at stake just in those two things even in the United States and much more in other shadow economies.
Galloway asked: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google or Net ix—who would be best, in terms of their business, to issue a coin? If you’d heard one of
these companies —but you didn’t know which one —had issued a coin which one would you guess it would be?
I would guess it would be Amazon because they’re moving into retail so aggressively. You know it just seems like a natural platform to have Amazon coin that could be used to shop at Whole Foods or at the online bookstore [and] at the same time giving the customers a stake in the business. If Amazon ends up ruling the world their Amazon tokens will be more and more valuable.
Private currencies ...dedicated to companies started with video gaming. There are all these World of Warcraft games that have internal economies where the tokens actually trade outside the game.
You could replicate this easily with Amazon and Facebook. It’s a little bit of a puzzle that they haven’t. Large numbers of users in a variety of retail platforms seem to be the optimal conditions for this to become valuable. (YouTube, L2inc, 03/29/18)
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