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Safety Notes
December 2021 Volume 72
2022 Utah Safety Conference & Expo
MEMBERSHIP MINUTE By John Wojciechowski, President
I am excited to announce the Utah Safety Council will host the 2022 Utah
by Lisa Christofferson, Safety Conference & Expo in an all-virtual format on March 30th & 31st, 2022.
Membership Manager
The 2022 Utah Safety Conference agenda will feature 4 amazing keynote
On Friday, October 1 , 2021 we speakers, and 12 breakout sessions from the best minds in the safety industry.
held a Utah Safety Council Topics will include Utah cannabis in the workplace updates, an introduction to
Member Appreciation Event at industrial hygiene, being truck smart not semi-stupid, and the fallacy of thinking
the Cross-E Ranch in North Salt you’re 10 feet tall and bullet proof. The conference will also feature a Women in
Lake. We had a great time, Safety reception with a very special guest speaker.
great food, and had a lot of fun.
There were pig races, zip lines, a The virtual expo will display all the latest safety technology, services, and products
corn maze and a pumpkin patch. from leading companies in the environmental, health and safety industry.
We enjoyed (finally) being able The Utah Safety Conference is the perfect opportunity for EHS professionals
to see some friends, from our working in government, manufacturing, construction, oil and gas, healthcare, and
member organizations. transportation to connect with their colleagues, learn about the latest advancements
in safety, engage with the high-level safety professionals and build your own acumen
as a safety professional.
We appreciate our fantastic
members, we Early bird attendee pricing for the 2-day conference begins as low as $150. There
wouldn’t be here without you. will also be the option to attend a single day for $80. Exhibitor booths for the
Your commitment to safety is virtual expo start at only $100 (early bird pricing through January 31st). You or your
what inspires us to continue on company could also sponsor the conference for as little as $250!
our mission to save lives.
Registration is now open, register today or visit our website for details at
We look forward to our next If you have interest in being a presenter at a future
member appreciation event, conference or event, or would like sponsorship information, please reach out to
coming in 2022! Also, please us by phone at 801.746.SAFE (7233) or email
call, email or click here to update
membership information. Thank you for your support!