Page 1 - Grup 1 - Final
P. 1


                      OBLIGATIONS, AND


                                       A T   T H E   Z O O

                        M. Fikrul Adhim                           (D05219017)

                        Siska Yuniar                              (D95219083)

                        Samsul Anam                               (D75219048)

                        Vindy Nita Yusovi                         (D75219050)

                                          LEARNING OBJECTIVES

                       Students are be able to:

                           Pronounce  some  vocabulary  correctly    related  to

                           the context.

                           Complete the grammar task based on information

                           that is related to the context.
                           Answer  some  of  the  questions  related  to  the


                           Create  a  dialogue  using  suggestions,  rules,  and

                           Practice a dialog related to the context.
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