Page 1 - KINGS & QUEENS E-NEWS _ MAGAZINE December 2023
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Volume XI: No. 2 Digital launched November 2013
I salute you for contributing to the The second cabinet and general
success of the First General Meeting. membership meetings also had
Although we experienced some positive outcomes. The zones, regions
technical issues, we completed the and committee chairs provided
scheduled agenda. I respect and insightful reports on the status of
appreciate your patience, clubs and district projects.
professionalism, and collaboration.
During this reflective time of year,
Greetings, Lions and Leos of We were freshly motivated throughout when we pause to count our multiple
Brooklyn and Queens, the impactful GAT Conference and I blessings and enjoy our different
applaud Lion Chairperson Prince Felix seasonal festivities with family and
I wish everyone joy, peace, love and and the other coordinators and friends, I urge you to consider our
a heart full of “Thanksgiving” as you facilitators for their impressive Lions’ Motto, “We Serve!” Consider
observe your special celebrations of presentations. doing something special for someone
the Fall / Winter season with family in need of support from your friendly,
and friends. Under the efficient leadership of Lion outstretched hand. Think of ingenious
Pearl John and her team of competent
It’s time for another edition of our volunteers at the TCS/NYC Marathon. ways to express and share your joy
district’s e-newsletter/magazine and The district was well represented, and with the less fortunate and “change
I am excited to use this platform to I am proud of your service. Thanks for the world” by making life better for
acknowledge publicly that you, the partnering with new and seasoned someone else.
Lions and Leos are some of the most volunteers to execute this important Continue to seek humanitarian service
dedicated humanitarians in the assignment. Job Well Done! that will bring you and your neighbor
world. I thank you for your service satisfaction. As I review my own
as you continue to change the world, Another note-worthy accomplishment journey as a Lion, I am extremely
one community, one family, one of this calendar year was the Cancer grateful for the opportunity to serve
person at a time! Committee’s masterful representation. humbly with you as District Governor
Rousing cheers to Lion Donarie
Here are some significant updates Fenton and her team. As a result of and “inspire minds through service .”
since my last message. their diligence, District 20-K1 made I wish you joy, peace, and love during
history again! In record time we this holiday season. Together, we look
achieved the merit benchmark of a forward to a prosperous 2024!
“Flagship Sponsor” for The American
Cancer Society. I am grateful to every Yours in Lionism and service,
contributing Lion and Leo for your DG Antonio Robles