Page 4 - ATA AUG 30
P. 4


LOCALTuesday 30 August 2016
Loyal Guests Honored at Playa Linda Beach Resort

PALM BEACH - Recently          as Goodwill Ambassadors.       The honorees were Mr. Rob-       very much because of the     certificate was presented
the Aruba Tourism Authority    The symbolic honorary title    ert and Mrs. Doris Taylor, vis-  great extremely friendly     by Ms. Marouska Heyliger
had the great pleasure of      is presented in the name       iting for their 26th consecu-    people, the climate, the     representing the Aruba
honoring a very nice cou-      of the Minister of Tourism as  tive year. These special         beaches and the restau-      Tourism Authority together
ple whom are loyal and         a token of appreciation to     guests are loyal members         rants. They say Playa Linda  with Yvette and associates
friendly visitors of Aruba at  guests who visit Aruba for     of Playa Linda Beach Re-         Beach Resort is like a sec-  from Playa Linda Beach
Playa Linda Beach Resort       20-to-34 consecutive years.    sort, and they love Aruba        ond home for them. The       Resort.q
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