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Saint Nicholas and his Petes
Tuesday arrived in Aruba
November 15, 2022
T: 582-7800
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
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U.S. President Joe Biden, right, and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands before their meeting
on the sidelines of the G20 summit meeting, Monday, Nov. 14, 2022, in Nusa Dua, in Bali, Indone- Reintroduction of
Associated Press Aruparking leads to
Biden, Xi clash on Taiwan but try to debate
‘manage’ differences
By SEUNG MIN KIM and ZEKE MILLER America and the rising Asian power.
Associated Press Biden reiterated U.S. support for its long-
NUSA DUA, Indonesia (AP) — President Joe standing “One China” policy, which rec-
Biden objected directly to China’s “coer- ognizes the government in Beijing — while
cive and increasingly aggressive actions” allowing for informal American relations
toward Taiwan during the first in-person and defense ties with Taipei, and “stra-
meeting of his presidency with Xi Jinping, tegic ambiguity” over whether the U.S.
as the two superpower leaders aimed on would respond militarily if the island were
Monday to “manage” their differences in attacked. He also said that despite Chi-
the competition for global influence. na’s recent saber rattling, he does not
The nearly three-hour meeting was the believe “there’s any imminent attempt on
highlight of Biden’s weeklong, round-the- the part of China to invade Taiwan.”
world trip to the Middle East and Asia, and Xi, according to the Chinese govern-
came at a critical juncture for the two ment’s account of the meeting, “stressed
countries amid increasing economic and that the Taiwan question is at the very core
security tensions. Speaking at a news con- of China’s core interests, the bedrock of
ference afterward, Biden said that when it the political foundation of China-U.S. rela-
comes to China, the U.S. would “compete tions, and the first red line that must not be
vigorously, but I’m not looking for conflict.” crossed in China-U.S. relations.”
He added: “I absolutely believe there Page 7
need not be a new Cold War” between Continued on Page 2