P. 6

Pagina 18                                                                                                                           Dialuna 20 Juni 2016



There is heavy criticism        strategy focusing on a          high unemployment rates           Rather than focusing on           crime rate which is unique
that local economies are        sustainable tourism product.    could potentially benefit         growth through the addition       to other countries. Also
failing to benefit from all-                                    from the significant number       of new hotels or rooms,           like Aruba, service and
inclusive tourism. The          What are the effects of all-    of new jobs provided by all-      the ATA is investing in           hospitality marked Cyprus
general consensus is that       inclusive resorts on quality?   inclusive resorts , following     enhancing existing facilities     as one of the best holiday
these all-inclusive operators                                   the logic that it is better to    and experiences for both          destinations for years and
deny local communities a fair   I.	 The quality of labor        have a low paying job than        stopover and cruise visitors.     now with the rapid growth of
share of tourism revenues.      conditions                      be unemployed. It does not        For example, the government       all-inclusive this theory is on
The operator in the host                                        apply directly to Aruba for       is investing US$62 million in     the demise. Unfortunately,
country retains profits and     All-inclusive resorts have      two reasons: Aruba has a          moving the island’s container     Cyprus now attracts all-
the self-contained nature of    picked up some well-            limited human capital, which      ship facility in order to         inclusive tourists who are
all-inclusive resorts means     deserved bad press over         means a great bulk of the         enhance cruise passengers’        interested in a cheap deal.
that tourists stay within the   the years for exploiting local  jobs created by these resorts     experience. The government
property and do not venture     labor and giving little back    cannot be filled by the local     has also financed rebuilding      All inclusive-resorts bring
out to explore the rest of the  to communities in terms of      workforce. Secondly, the          the center of Oranjestad as       the danger of local dying
island. As a matter of fact,    economic benefits. They         group of skilled workforce in     well as the construction of a     trade, in major all-inclusive
these all-inclusive resorts     generally provide extremely     Aruba is even more limited,       new, 10-mile long linear park     markets such as Mallorca
often build their marketing     limited benefits to local       and progression for locals        between the international         and Cyprus the little shops,
around the notion of "leaving   economies, in addition to       within these types of All-        airport and Palm Beach            bars, restaurants and all
your wallet at home" .          poorly paid jobs. Meanwhile     inclusive resorts is difficult.   resorts . Furthermore, the        other attractions that attract
                                the costs of living for local                                     international airport has         quality and cultural tourism
While the widely criticized     people increases, and           Rather than investing in the      received S$20 million for         are closing due to all-
economic impact of the          prices of precious natural      skills of the local labor force,  renovations in the forecast       inclusive tourism. In order to
all-inclusive resorts is        resources, such as water        All-inclusive resorts source      period to provide passengers      thrive, the businesses that
undeniable, it is not the only  and power, can become           their own skilled workforce.      with an “Aruba feeling” when      survive follow a formula of
painful perspective. Another    compromised due to heavy        As a result there are fewer       they travel through the           cheap food, drink and below
principal argument is that of   consumption by these            training opportunities for        airport .                         par service.
quality. The quality of labor   resorts .                       locals, which means that
conditions and over time,                                       there is no progression           On the front of the quality       Elena Savvides-Doghman,
the quality of the tourism      All-inclusive resorts are       in the skill-levels of the        perception and the effect over    a long time horeca worker
product.                        notorious for not sourcing      local labor force for Aruba.      time on the actual tourism        from Cyprus remarks “An
                                locally and not giving local    Opportunities for progression     offer, all-inclusive resorts are  attempt to become a world
These adverse effects           people a genuine chance of      within these all-inclusive        devastating for an economy        leader in mass tourism by
on quality are especially       progressing into managerial     resorts are obstructed by         dependent on tourism like         encouraging all-inclusive in
relevant to Aruba. While        roles. In February 2013, the    migrant workers, many of          Aruba and goes straight           Cyprus, has resulted in this
Aruba’s travel and tourism      IUF and the London-based        who see tourism in Aruba          against a strategy of renewal     beautiful island becoming a
industry is well established    NGO Tourism Concern             as a stepping stone to other      and enhancement over              byword for a shabby ghetto of
and widely recognized, it       agreed to cooperate in          employment in the region,         expansion. The perception         neon and peeling concrete.”
risks reaching maturity. In     investigating the impact of     even in Europe and the            of the standard all-inclusive
an effort to stop this, the     "All-inclusive" tourism on      opportunity to send money         hotel is quantity versus          It is clear from the studies
Aruban government together      workers and their families.     to family at home .               quality, including cheap food     investigating the impact of
with the ATA (Aruba Tourism     The findings of this research                                     and beverage, long buffet         all-inclusive tourism that,
Authority), have made           reveal that the tourist sector  II.	 The quality of the           lines and a vacation that is      while there is continuing
substantial investments in      in the countries studied is     tourism product Aruba             not personalized.                 demand for the advantages
the last few years in order     characterized by precarious                                                                         that the all-inclusive model
to remain appealing and         work, low wages, long           ATA, in conjunction with          An example to illustrate is       offers to some holiday
encourage growth not            working hours, fewer tips                                         that of Cyprus, much like         makers, there is also an
through expansion, but by       and unequal opportunity .       the Aruban government,            Aruba , a beautiful island,       increasing awareness of the
improving the experience                                                                          sun, beautiful coastal views,     model’s negative impacts,
of tourists with the main       Furthermore, while third        is focused on travel and          great hospitality and low         even among those who enjoy
                                world markets of scale, with                                                                        the all-inclusive experience.
                                                                                                                                    In addition, there is evidence
                                                                                                                                    that these holidaymakers
                                                                                                                                    also want a fairer deal for
                                                                                                                                    local communities. This is
                                                                                                                                    something the industry must
                                                                                                                                    begin to take on board.

                                                                tourism  development

                                                                projects through its Tourism

                                                                Product Improvement Fund.

                                Yos Septic Tank Service

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