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P. 1
Papillon: the butterfly effect of
magnificent food
January 10, 2023
T: 582-7800
Page 8
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
U.S. law based on anti-Latino racism Aruba elects Prins and
fuels immigration fight Pancho 2023
Page 11
Minister of Education signed
agreement with dr. Gregory
Richardson for Climate
Challenges project
In this photo provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, people who’ve been taken into
custody related to cases of illegal entry into the United States rest in one of the cages at a facility
in McAllen, Texas, on June 17, 2018.
Associated Press
By RIO YAMAT precedented. though she didn’t block
Associated Press It exposed Section 1326 of enforcement and prosecu-
LAS VEGAS (AP) — As thou- the Immigration and Na- tions haven’t stopped as
sands of children were tionality Act, which makes it the government appeals
taken from their parents at a crime to unlawfully return the case.
the southern border dur- to the U.S. after deporta- Du’s 43-page ruling cited
ing a Trump administration tion, removal or denied ad- much of Hartzler’s legal de-
crackdown on illegal cross- mission, as racist and a vio- fense. “The record before
ings, a federal public de- lation of equal protection the Court reflects that at
fender in San Diego set out rights guaranteed by the no point has Congress con-
to find new strategies to go Fifth Amendment.And it be- fronted the racist, nativist
after the longstanding de- came the legal framework roots of Section 1326,” the
portation law fueling the for a never-before-seen rul- judge wrote.
family separations. ing in August 2021 by Ne- Hartzler, who has spent the
The resulting legal defense vada U.S. District Judge Mi- last decade as a federal
that Kara Hartzler would randa Du. She struck down public defender in Cali-
help draft in the coming the law as unconstitutional fornia, said she was blown
years — work that contin- and discriminatory against away when she learned of
ued even after a judge Latinos when she dismissed the ruling.
halted the general prac- an illegal reentry charge
tice at the U.S.-Mexico bor- against Mexican immigrant Continued on Page 2 Page 7
der in June 2018 — was un- Gustavo Carrillo Lopez,