Page 10 - MIN TTC 19 APRIL 2016
P. 10


   LOCALTuesday 19 April 2016

Visit the New Aruban Donkey Sanctuary in Bringamosa!

BRINGAMOSA - After almost     ferent locations. At Bringa-    are not 100% to be trust-         The new Donkey Sanctu-           you came by to meet the
20 years at Santa Lucia, it   mosa all the donkeys are        ed; these are often don-          ary has it’s start on a terrain  donkeys in their new habi-
became high time for the      together, plus there are lots   keys with traumas follow-         that is rented cheaply from      tat; it could be an edu-
Aruban Donkey Sanctuary       of new facilities: six stables  ing abuse or an accident.         the government. It is cur-       cational way of spending
to move to a newer and        for sick or pregnant don-       There is also a spacious          rently 22.000 square meters,     your free time. Enjoy sip-
larger area to house its 130  keys, who may be nursed         location for donkey feed,         but the remaining docu-          ping your drink or eating an
donkeys. The move took        and taken care of in a safe     running water and electric-       ments have been signed           ice cream at Bringamosa.
place on April 2 and 3, and   environment.                    ity; especially water is a first  and then the donkeys will        Take the road at your left
on April 4 the new Don-       The stables are baby-proof,     necessity for the donkeys.        have 120.000 square me-          to Frenchman’s Pass when
key Sanctuary’s doors at      so that newborn donkeys         For guests there is a cozy        ters to play in: eight times     coming from Santa Curz
Bringamosa opened wide.       can take their first steps      visitors’ center where one        bigger than our current lo-      and take a left again as
The new opening hours are     there. There is also a don-     can have a cold drink on          cation at Sta. Lucia, where      soon as you can. From
from 9am to 4pm, every        key aid station for veteri-     the covered porch, buy a          we housed our donkeys at         there you will find signs how
day of the week.              nary treatments and den-        souvenir in the shop and          no cost during the past 20       to find our new Donkey
The move was unavoid-         tistry; they can be washed      make a stop at the rest-          years courtesy of the Paris      Sanctuary. You are more
able, as the herd had be-     there too, if necessary. A      rooms. All this makes a           family.                          than welcome from 9am
come so large that it had     donkey KIA (prison) will in-    visit to the Aruban Don-          It would be very nice if         until 4pm. Please come!q
to be housed at three dif-    carcerate the animals that      key Sanctuary worth your
                                                              while. Not everything is
                                                              100% finished, but there is
                                                              more than enough ready
                                                              to adequately welcome
                                                              visitors. Depending on our
                                                              finances, the rest will be
                                                              completed `poco poco’;
                                                              the cost alone of fencing
                                                              in a 120.000 square-meter
                                                              area with donkey-proof
                                                              fencing is enormous. It is,
                                                              however, necessary, as
                                                              roaming donkeys are a
                                                              hazard in traffic.
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