Page 7 - MIN TTC 19 APRIL 2016
P. 7

                                                                                                                                     Tuesday 19 April 2016

Hotels wooing guests to book
directly online with discounts 

S. MAYEROWITZ                  Expedia said online travel     A carpenter works on the siding of a new townhouse at a construction site in Houston. On Monday,
AP Business Writer             agencies help travelers        April 18, 2016, the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo released its April index of
NEW YORK (AP) — Hotels         discover new hotels and        builder sentiment.
are getting more aggres-       offer efficiency.
sive in their fight to get     “The vast majority of trav-                                                                                                               (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)
travelers to book reserva-     elers coming through
tions directly with them       our sites are new, brand-      US Financial Front:
instead of through online      agnostic and incremen-         April homebuilder sentiment held steady
travel agencies such as        tal to the chain’s existing
Expedia and Priceline.         loyal customers,” said         ALEX VEIGA                      tiously optimistic about          cent in February to a sea-
Hyatt Hotels Corp. on          Cyril Ranque, president of     AP Business Writer              home construction growth          sonally adjusted annual
Monday became the lat-         lodging partner services       U.S. homebuilders’ confi-       this year, said Robert Dietz,     rate of 512,000 after slump-
est chain to offer guests      for the Expedia Group.         dence held steady in April,     the NAHB’s chief econo-           ing 9.2 percent in January.
a discount for booking a       “To ask a consumer to          reflecting an overall opti-     mist.                             March sales data are due
room directly on its own       search multiple sites for      mistic outlook in the market    “Solid job creation and low       out next week.
website. Members of its        the best price sets the in-    for new homes even as a         mortgage interest rates will      Home construction has
Gold Passport loyalty pro-     dustry back 20 years.”         gauge of current sales fell     sustain continued gains           been uneven this year. It
gram can save up to 10         As chains bring hundreds       slightly.                       in the single-family hous-        declined in January but re-
percent at hotels in the       of independent hotels          The National Association of     ing market in the months          bounded in February to a
U.S., Canada and Austra-       into their booking systems,    Home Builders/Wells Fargo       ahead,” he said.                  seasonally adjusted annual
lia. The move follows simi-    they are trying to prove       builder sentiment index         The latest readings come          rate of 1.18 million units, the
lar campaigns by Hilton        their own worth and justify    released Monday was un-         amid the annual spring            highest level in five months.
Worldwide, Marriott Inter-     their own management           changed at 58. It hasn’t        buying season, which typi-        Still, applications for new
national and Starwood          or franchise fees. Part of     budged in three months.         cally sets the pattern for        construction were weak for
Hotels & Resorts World-        that process means try-        Readings above 50 indi-         residential hiring and con-       a third month in a row.
wide.                          ing to retrain guests to       cate more builders view         struction for much of the         This month’s builder index
Hotel companies have           do less price comparison.      sales conditions as good,       rest of the year.                 was based on 320 respon-
a tortured relationship        The idea is that one ho-       rather than poor. The index     So far, the U.S. housing          dents.
with online travel booking     tel company’s website          had been in the low 60s for     market looks more tem-            Builders’ view of sales over
sites. They rely on the sites  should be your only stop       eight months until February.    pered after strong growth         the next six months rose
to bring travelers to their    when looking for a room,       Builders’ outlook for sales     in 2015, with sales in the first  one point to 62, while their
properties and fill rooms.     whether in a boxy con-         over the next six months        two months of 2016 running        gauge of traffic by pro-
But companies like Expe-       vention property or a bou-     and a measure of traffic by     below last year’s pace. A         spective buyers rose one
dia and Priceline charge       tique hotel.                   prospective buyers edged        limited supply of houses          point to 44. A measure of
commissions of 15 per-         Hilton launched a market-      higher. But builders’ view of   have pushed up prices and         current sales conditions for
cent or higher. The hotel      ing campaign in Febru-         current sales conditions fell.  curbed sales.                     single-family homes fell two
chains would rather keep       ary called “Stop Clicking      Still, builders remain cau-     New-home sales rose 2 per-        points to 63. q
that money themselves.         Around” promoting its
“It costs them less and        own discount for loyalty
it gives them a better         members — also up to 10
chance to create a  busi-      percent — as well as free
ness  relationship,” said      Wi-Fi. Starwood offers the
Henry Harteveldt, of travel    same discounts. (Hyatt of-
consultancy Atmosphere         fers free Wi-Fi to all guests
Research Group. “They          worldwide, regardless of
get our email information      how they book.)
and a chance to win our        Travelers should note that
ongoing preference.”           sometimes a discount for
Harteveldt noted that          being a senior or AAA
fewer than one in four ho-     member is greater than
tel guests belong to a loy-    the hotel’s member rate.
alty program.                  But not always.q
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