Page 8 - MIN TTC 19 APRIL 2016
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                                                                                                                                                                        Tuesday 19 April 2016

At The Tropicana Aruba Resort & Casino:

   Gearing Up for the 5th Annual Slot Star Challenge Tournament!

EAGLE BEACH - The Tropi-        “This tournament has be-       expense-paid trip to Tropi-  they will participate in the     ana), Belle of Baton Rouge
cana Casino’s most popu-        come a customer favorite       cana Atlantic City, where    $250,000 Slot Star Tourna-       (Louisiana), Trop Greenville
lar Annual Slot Star Cham-      and has proven to be a fun                                  ment in June.                    (Mississippi), Mont Bleu (Ne-
pionship, is back for the       way to introduce the Atlan-                                 On Thursday May 19th, win-       vada), Tropicana Laughlin
fifth year in a row. The final  tic City location to Trop Ad-                               ners will be randomly drawn      (Nevada), Tropicana Aru-
exclusive slot tournament in    vantage members across                                      each hour from 8pm to            ba, and its newest addition
Atlantis City draws players     all eight of our Tropicana                                  11pm to win prizes with the      Lumière Place (Missouri).
from all Tropicana proper-      Entertainment properties,”                                  grand prize being drawn at       Don’t miss the opportunity
ties, across the globe.         says Eric Fiocco VP of Cor-                                 11pm. Drawing tickets are        to win, BIG, make sure to
In honor of that upcoming       porate Marketing for Tropi-                                 accumulated for every 25         be included.
promotion the Tropicana         cana Entertainment.                                         base points earned.              For the upcoming King’s
Casino is rolling out the       The Tropicana Aruba Resort                                  Three hundred fifty Trop Ad-     Birthday, on Wednesday,
red carpet for its top Trop     & Casino will hold a qualify-                               vantage members from all         April 27th, a festive Kings
Advantage players Friday,       ing Slot Star Point challenge
June 10, 2016 and Satur-        during the earning period
day, June 11, 2016, for one     between April 1st and May
weekend filled with activi-     19th, 2016. The winner of
ties, as the 5th Annual Slot    the point challenge and
Star Challenge Tournament       one wild card drawing win-
enfolds.                        ner will be awarded an all-

                                                                                            Tropicana Entertainment          Birthday Slot Tournament
                                                                                            properties, who competed         will be held in the casino
                                                                                            for their spot at their proper-  with $2,000 in prizes. The
                                                                                            ty, will gather at the chain’s   two (2) top qualifiers from
                                                                                            flagship property in Atlantic    April 6th, 13th and 20th slot
                                                                                            City for three nights to bat-    tournament sessions, and
                                                                                            tle it out for the grand prize   the winner of the Wednes-
                                                                                            of $100,000 and $25,000          day April 27 session, will
                                                                                            second place prize. Partic-      compete for the Kings Birth-
                                                                                            ipating properties include       day Slot Tournament Finale
                                                                                            Tropicana Atlantic City,         with a prize purse of $2,000
                                                                                            Tropicana Evansville (Indi-      in cash and slot credits. q
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