Page 21 - INTO The Light - Christmas 2016
P. 21
It be magic?
Wiz Ligh ng is the latest in our great range of Smart ligh ng. 64,000 whites and 16 million colours. This technology has been around for a short while, but almost all brands required
a bridge to link with your home internet and W-Fi in addi on to price prohibi ve bulbs. This great range doesn’t require such a bridge and the range is great value for the latest technology and a great start into the amazing world of home automa on.
Just like their sister brand “iDual”, a plethora of colours and “Scenes” are available to
you, but now with the added convenience of control via your mobile device and programmable rooms / mes and user de ned scenes. Amazing!
E27 / ES 1055 lumens
With exible ways to control, either via your Smartphone and the free amazing App, using your exis ng light switches or by scheduling and coming soon voice control.
The App allows you to sent up individual rooms in your home (or any number of proper es either home, work, holiday home etc) and control your ligh ng by scheduling mes to come on, varying the light or completely changing the mood.
E27 / ES 806 lumens
E14 / ES 400 lumens
GU10 345 lumens
The Light