Page 1 - English for Executive Administrative Assistant
P. 1

English for

 Executive Administrative

 Assistant                                                                Business

 This module is purposively designed to guide learners in func onally using their English suited to the authen c
 work  performance  of  Execu ve  Administra ve  Assistance.  While  providing  comprehensive  training  on  the
 applica on of English in the aforemen oned profession, this module at the same  me crucially serves as guidance
 to  succeed  in  the  na onal-scale  Competency  Test  and  Cer fica on  of  English  for  Execu ve  Administra ve
 Assistance held by BNSP (Badan Nasional Ser fikasi Profesi).   public
 Each chapter of this module represents five competencies s pulated by the cluster of English for Execu ve
 Administra ve  Assistance;  Intermediate  Communica on  Strategy,  Wri ng  Summaries  and  Reports,  Post-
 intermediate Business Correspondence, Nego a on Skills, and Public Rela ons. Each respec ve unit competence
 is deconstructed into detailed language features and skills to help learners navigate through meaningful workplace
 communica on.
 Kurniawa  Nur Fadhilah
 is a curriculum and material developer at the Language Training Centre (LTC) of Universitas   Correspondence
 Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta where she has contributed to the comple on of the learning
 modules and materials as well as the curriculum design for its courses and various programs.

 Pratama Ahdi  English for Executive Administrative Assistant
 is an English instructor at the Language Training Center (LTC) at Universitas Muhammadiyah
 Yogyakarta. Beside teaching, he is also responsible for managing academic, human, program,
 and financial resources.


 Wuri Ekayani                             media
 is  an  instructor  at  the  Language  Training  Center  (LTC)  at  Universitas  Muhammadiyah   analysis
 Yogyakarta,  where  she  has  responsibility  to  teach  English  for  various  study  programs  in
 various facul es.
        English for

        Executive Administrative
 Fiqha Fa kha
 is an English instructor at the Language Training Center (LTC) at Universitas Muhammadiyah
 Yogyakarta, where she teaches and has par cipated in compiling  several learning modules.

        K.N. Fadhillah, Pratama Ahdi, Wuri Ekayani, Fiqha Fatika                                              FOR
                                                                                                            USE ONLY

                                          LANGUAGE TRAINING CENTER
 2023                                     UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH YOGYAKARTA
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