Page 1 - Four Points popular scents
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Pop Scents are a fun and ecletic collection by Four Points Trading Co. that take you back to time of

            birt  ay cak   you can remember that uncontrollable urge to   re   ot     Sweet, yet oh so spicy! This candle will give you
                              lick the spoon of  that delicious cake mom was          that kick, right back to the first time you enjoyed
                              making, or sneaking a finger of  frosting when no       these tiny little imperial candies that could make
                              one is looking then this candle is for you! With its    your eyes water!! It's sweet, warm cinnamon
                              combination of  creamy, buttery, and vanilla notes      scent will heat up your senses!
                              that will trigger so many memories as you watch the
                              flame on this scrumptious candle!

             irt              If  most of  your childhood memories come from   m ey   Who doesn't want money you can burn. This
                              some old dirt road then this candle is for you!! It's   candle allows for that retail therapy we all seek at
                              natural aroma makes you wish you were out               times. Its cotton and fresh ink fragrances are sure
                              exploring with your friends, digging for hidden         to cause some debts.
                              treasures, helping your mom planting the garden, or
                              simply wiping the grime of  your face after a long
                              off  road bike ride!

            bac               Who doesn't love waking up to the smell of  bacon    ruit  oop   Follow your nose, it always knows! This candle
                              in the air! You can almost hear it sizzling on the      will take you back to those Saturday mornings
                              stove when you burn this one! It's strong hickory       with the Toucan watching your favorite cartoons!
                              flavor will sure to have you begging for more!          Or your first memories of  preschool making those
                                                                                      ever so popular cereal necklaces!! It's vanilla bean
                                                                                      undertones compliments the citrusy scents of
                                                                                      sweet orange and tangy cherry!!

            bubb   gum
                              This fragrance will immediately bring you back to    re   cut gras  Somersaults, grass stains on your jeans, picking
                              your youth! Whether it was the nickel gum from the      weeds and push mowers. This awesome shimmer-
                              ice cream truck or that stick in your baseball cards    ing blend intertwines leafy greens and summer
                              this candles sweet and sugary aromas will have you      grasses with a classic forest fern. It's clean and
                              yearning to blow some bubbles as they pop on your       fresh scent makes us all wish we were lying in the
                              lips!                                                   grass finding cloud animals in the sky.
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