Page 7 - Sigma Proposal
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Congratulations, You’ve Got PRO—
Large enough to take care of you, small enough to know you by name, and appreciate your business.
Proposal For Sigma
Payroll Factor
Beauty Supply House (8018 MN) 14.17% Actual SUTA to limits Clerical (8810 MN) 11.29% Actual SUTA to limits
Owners (9999 MN) 11.18% Actual SUTA to limits
LaborRawCosts: Thisrepresentstaxesaddedbygovernmentalentitiesandworkerscompensationcosts.Thiscostvariesby job type and the risk associated with that job.
HR Admin/Budget/Spend-Current: This includes a 4.00% additional cost. This is recognized as national average to manage employees and includes technology, 3rd party consultation and internal time.
HR Admin/Budget/Spend -With PRO: This includes PRO’s management fee of 3.45%. Financial Summary
 PRO Resources
FICA (SocialSecurity&Medicare)
FUTA (FederalUnemploymentTax)
SUTA (StateUnemploymentTax)
Actual SUTA Rate
Actual SUTA Rate
Workers’ Compensation
*HR Administration/Budget/Spend
Total Spend:
 Total savings based on annualized wages: $11,548.00
             * This is an annual fee of $57,408.00 or 3.45% of your current wage of $1,664,000.00.
PRO Resources assigns your business a certified HR Professional who will help you to maximize your staff’s full potential though every step of the employment cycle; from onboarding through post employment. Your HR Professional will aid you in the following areas:
• HR consulting • Provide legally required labor postings • Assist with unemployment claims, hearings and appeals
• Develop customized employee handbook and update as needed • Provide all human resource forms and employee paperwork • Provide employee job descriptions • Assist in managing and resolving employee conflicts • Drug Screening Assistance
• Provide assistance in wrongful termination claims • Assist in the event of federal wage and hour claims
• Provide compliance assistance with Title VII • Compliance assistance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
• Compliance assistance and record keeping with FMLA • Compliance assistance and record keeping for immigration laws
• PRWORA compliance • Maintaining employee files • Unemployment Hearings • Management & Supervisor Training
• Talent Acquisition Advising • Background Checks • Assisting with employee performance reviews forms & processes
Proposal subject to review if not accepted within 30 days.

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