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What Our Clients Say...
“One of the best decisions we made for our company...”
“OmniByte Technology has been with PRO Resources since our first employee hire in 2015. We needed to focus on building a lean software company with our team working on the things we do best; like building technologies to solve business problems in field service. To do this, we needed trusted partners to help us in areas which are critical to success. One of the best decisions we made for our company was to choose PRO Resources to manage all our HR needs and they have been great. Our employees and the staff at PRO work seamlessly, givingeveryonethefeelingwehaveourownHRteam.Becauseofthesuccessworking withPRO,wehave focused our time on managing and growing our business.”
Ray Berry • OmniByte
“Having PRO Resources by our side has truly made all of our jobs easier!”
“As Dot’s Pretzels was growing at such a fast pace taking Human Resources off of our plate was one of the best decisions we did as a company! The payroll, benefits, unemployment, workers’ compensation andhumanresourcescanbeveryintimidating. HavingPROResourcesbyoursidehastrulymadeall ofourjobseasier. Itletusfocusonotherareasofourgrowingbusinessthatneededourattention.
The staff at PRO Resources has been very courteous, professional, knowledgeable and the response time was very prompt. PRO Resources exceeded our expectations!”
Dorothy “Dot” Henke • Dot’s Pretzels
       “It has exceeded my expectations.”
It really makes more sense. We now just focus on designing products, selling products and working with customers. It has exceeded my expectations”
Bob Klabunde • Alderon Industries
“I have been impressed with their professionalism.”
“I’ve compared my employment costs, andifweweretodo itin-house, it would be a whole lot more.”
    “We are a fast growing start-up company and having PRO Resources manage all of our HR needs has taken away any concern regarding compliance of our benefits, payroll, unemployment and other HR servicesallowingmetofocusonmanagementofourbusiness. Ihavebeenimpressedwiththeirprofes- sionalism, knowledge base and speed of response whenever I have questions.”
Gloria Palm Connor • Beyond Realty
“It’s so easy now.”
“They save us literally one employee in the time it takes
to deal with workers’ compensation, unemployment claims and the workers’ compensation audit —plus more.”
Brett Friesen • Friesen’s, Inc.
“We’ve been able to focus on our mission and future planning.”
“It also saves me 15% of my own time that I can spend doing more productive things.”
“The payroll and HR world can be intimidating, and having PRO Resources on our side has truly made all our jobs easier. PRO Resources has taken our whole organization under its wing and really allowed us to achieve a higher level of organization and self-sufficiency.
Alissa Mork • Humane Society Of The Lakes

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