Page 3 - The Proclamation Brocure Sept - Dec 2023
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Who will lead the retreats? Father Bryan Kujawa, a priest of the Diocese of Crookston, preaches the retreat. He’s assisted by a small team who have been captured by the Gospel. This team provides behind-the-scenes aid and prayer support.
What exactly happens at the retreat? Our time together is centered around a five-part preaching series on the basic Gospel message. Surrounding the series will be time for meals, Eucharistic Adoration (prayer), Mass on both Friday and Saturday, small group discussion, and great fellowship.
What do I need to bring? Anything you need for a 24-hour period. We’ll provide food and bedding. You’ll want to bring prayer material with you (Bible, journal, rosary, etc)
When is the retreat? We gather at 5:30 p.m. on Friday evening and depart a little after 4:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Why focus on this topic? This topic, the basic Gospel message, is the central message of the Christian faith. It’s the reason for our faith in Jesus Christ. We have found that most people do not know the entire story, which is a great tragedy. In this time of great chaos and confusion, this message is more important than ever.
I’m already pretty committed. Are you sure this
is for me? YES! We’ve found that committed Catholics who have attended this retreat have left with a deeper understanding of God’s overwhelming love for them and a greater knowledge of just what he’s done in the person of Jesus Christ. They have experienced the power of the Gospel in a new way!