Page 48 - Foltz Trucking Driver Handbook
P. 48
When No Other Vehicles are Present
When no target vehicle Is within range of the sensor, your vehicle will maintain it s set s peed just like ordinary cruise control. The VMJA (Volvo Active Driver
vehicles moving in the s ame direction as your vehicle. The system is not responsive to slde-to-skle moving traffic, or oncoming traffic. The system will not slow your vehicle or provide warning as you approach vehicles in these circumstances
Ass!st) wfD continue this behavior until It ls either turned off by the operator, a brake application is made, or e vehicle ahead Is traveling In the same Jane as your vehicle and comes Into sensor range.
Applying the Brakes Manually
If the driver Is aware of a posslble threatening situation, you should take all necessary and Immediate actions; never wait for the VADA system to intervene. Safe operation of the vehicle is the responsibility of the driver. H the driver applies the brakes, cruise control wfll automalically disengage, and there will not be a VADA intervention If the driver applies more than two-thirds brake application.
Approaching Slower Moving
When approaching a much slower moving vehtcle ahead, the driver should anticipate this and begin applying the vehicle's brakes early and not wait for the VADA system to lniervene.
Vehicles Crossing Your Path or Coming
The VADA system should have significantly less false alerts lhan earlier systems. Radar technology Is not perfect, however, and false alerts sometimes occur. If false alerts occur too
Impact Alert Warning
Ignoring the Impact Alert warning from the V/>£JA can lead to death, personal Injury or vehlcle damage.
The Impact Alert (IA) is the mos! severe warning Issued by the system. The IA Warning Indicates Iha! the driver should apply more braking force immediately. The Driver Information Display (DID) provides several visual and audible alerts.
The instrument cluster illumlnates red light emitting diodes (LEDs), and a pop up displays requesting the driver to act. Also, a continuous tone is sounded.
Towards You-The VADA reacts to
Potential False Warnings
Also, when an Impact Alert occurs, a "Heads Up" warning Is displayed as a red line reflected in the windshield. The red line lllumlnates from the lop of the dash.
When the IA activates, take evasive acUon by applying more braking power and/or steering clear of the vehicle ahead lo avoid a potential collision.
If an impact alert occurs and driver intervention Is required, a continuous audible sound and various warning screens display. The screen diSplayed and audible aten level are dictated by the closeness of the vehicle/object.
The Following Distance audible alerts Increase the closer the vehicle/object gets to the truck.
When the vehiclefobjects falls below the minimum following distance, the Caution Action Required screen dlsplays.
frequently (more than twice a day) this may indicate sensor misalignment. Service the system at the earliest opportunity. Drivers should lake Into account the road conditions, and any other factors they are encountering, as they choose how to react lo any alerts they receive from the VADA system.
lmme<fiate acllon must be taken to avoid a collision.
Operational Notes
When passing a vehicle or changing lanes, the vehicle ls no longer tracked by the system.
When lhe vehicle ahead is out of sensor range and no other vehicle present. after a short safety delay occurs. Then 1he system accelerates to the last stored set speed.
Passing a Vehicle
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Acquiring a New Target Vehicle
As you approach other vehicles ahead, previously undetected by the sensor, the system eulomaUcally locks onto new vehicles and manages the following distance.