Page 78 - Foltz Trucking Driver Handbook
P. 78

The Company maintains group health plan benefits for employees on FMLA leave. Employees are required to pay their premium co-payments while they are on FMLA leave and are notified how to make the payments for their share of the group health plan premiums during leave. Employees who fail to return to work for a minimum of 30 calendar days following FMLA leave for any reason other than a serious health condition or other circumstances beyond their control will be required to repay the Company for premiums paid on their behalf while on leave.
Return from leave
Employees returning from FMLA leave are required to notify Human Resources two days prior to their intended return date that they will be returning. The Company may also require an employee on FMLA leave to report periodically on the employee's status and intent to return to work. Employees must provide a fitness for duty (FFD) clearance from the health care provider. This requirement will be included in the employer's response to the FMLA request.
Employees returning from FMLA leave will be reinstated to their former positions or to positions with equivalent pay, benefits and other employment terms and conditions. Certain "key" employees, who are among the highest paid employees of the Company, might not be reinstated to any position; "key" employees will be notified of their status when they apply for FMLA leave.
Personal Leave (Without Pay)
In accordance with the guidelines set forth in this policy, the Company may provide unpaid personal leave to eligible employees who wish to take time off from work duties to fulfill personal obligations.
Employees may request personal leave only after having completed 365 days of service in an eligible employment classification. Personal leave may be granted for a period of up to 15 calendar days. Pending the supervisor's approval, employees must take any available vacation leave prior to the effective date of the personal leave of absence.
Requests for personal leave will be evaluated based on a number of factors, including anticipated operational requirementsandstaffingconsiderationsduringtheproposedperiodofabsence. TheCompanywillcontinue to provide its normal portion of insurance benefits until the end of the personal leave. Accruals for benefit calculations, such as vacation, sick leave, or holiday benefits, will be suspended during the taking of personal leave.
To the extent possible, employees returning from personal leave will be returned to their former position or will be offered the first available comparable position for which they are qualified. If an employee fails to report to work at the expiration of the approved leave period, the Company will assume that the employee has resigned.
Uniformed Service Leave
This policy applies to any person employed by the Company, other than temporary employees.
The term "uniformed services" means the Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force, the Army National Guard, the International Guard, the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service, and any other category designated by the President in time of service or emergency.
The term "service in the uniformed services" means the performance cif duty on a voluntary or involuntary basis in a uniformed service and includes active duty, active duty for training, initial active duty for training, Page 13
 Uniformed services
 Service in the uniformed services

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