Page 14 - Garrison Diversion RFP
P. 14

  September 19, 2023
To Whom it May Concern:
United Way of Cass-Clay has been a client of PRO Resources since 2018. The trusted professionals at PRO Resources support our United Way team with all things related to Human Resources. From timely and accurate payroll processing to support updating our Employee Handbook, to overall day-to-day HR support, the qualified and supportive staff at PRO are incredible. This amazing HR support provided by PRO enables our team at United Way to focus more fully on our mission to inspire and activate our community to improve lives and lift families out of poverty.
PRO Resources has been a dedicated supporter of our organization for many years, even since prior to acquiring us as a client. They have supported us through employee and corporate annual giving, sponsorships for community events, and multiple one time and year-long volunteer commitments. Not only does the company see the value of our organization, but they encourage their employees to take the time to give back in ways that are meaningful to them. United Way is proud to partner with the trusted and generous team at PRO Resources.
PRO Resources has an excellent reputation within our community, and they are respected in their industry. We are so grateful for our partnership with PRO Resources! Our community is a better place to live, work, and succeed because of companies like PRO Resources.
Karla Isley
President & CEO
United Way of Cass-Clay
The Power of Community.   | PRO Resources |

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