Page 17 - PRO_2023 Client Benefits Guide
P. 17

  Employee Assistance Program
Life is full of challenges, and sometimes balancing it is difficult. We are proud to provide a confidential program dedicated to supporting the emotional health and well-being of our employees and their families. The employee assistance program (EAP) is provided at
NO COST to you through Scott Sheryak, 218-841-6549.
The EAP can help with the following issues, among others:
DashPass For Work
       } Mental health
} Relationships or marital conflicts } Child and eldercare
} Substance abuse
} Grief and loss
} Legal or financial issues
Benefits employees love
} Unlimited Free Delivery 24/7
} 5% back on pickup orders
} Additional Rotating discounts (see next slide)
Saves money & reduces stress
} VIP customer support
} Access to Corporate Ordering
   BenefitHUB offers access to exclusive discounts with over 10,000 brands including deals from your favorite local businesses. There are over 20 categories to search from which allows you to earn up to 20% cash-back rewards on nearly all vendors.
Employees save between $5 to $7 per purchase, no meal prep required.
Now delivering more than meals
Employees enjoy savings on groceries, pet food, everyday essential and more!
Pro Resources Doordash Partnership
Discount through Pro Resources
DashPass is normally $9.99 per month
􏰅 􏰆􏰇􏰈􏰉􏰊􏰉􏰋􏰍􏰎ÿ􏰏􏰐􏰍􏰍ÿ􏰑􏰍􏰈􏰉􏰒􏰍􏰐􏰓ÿ􏰔􏰕􏰗􏰘
􏰤 􏰥􏰦􏰦􏰧􏰨􏰧􏰩􏰪􏰫􏰭ÿ􏰮􏰩􏰨􏰫􏰨􏰧􏰪􏰯ÿ􏰦􏰧􏰰􏰱􏰩􏰲􏰪􏰨􏰰ÿ􏰳􏰴􏰵􏰶ÿ􏰷􏰸􏰹ÿ
for c􏰩o􏰺nÿ􏰻s􏰼u􏰧m􏰽􏰩e􏰨􏰭r􏰴s􏰾. Through PRO, you 􏰤 􏰷􏰿ÿ􏰩􏰪ÿ􏰨􏰧􏱁􏰴ÿ􏰯􏰲􏰫􏰮􏰫􏰪􏰨􏰴􏰴
 can provide DashPass at just $7.50.
  Benefit Spot
We’ve gone mobile! To help you access your benefits information—even when you’re away from work and need it most— we’ve launched a mobile benefits app. To get started, Download “Benefit Spot” on the Apple App Store or Google Play and
enter company code: PRO
NOTE: The company code is case sensitive.
For further information, please visit,
􏰤 􏱂􏱃􏱄ÿ􏰱􏰲􏰰􏰨􏰩􏱁􏰴􏰮ÿ􏰰􏰲􏰽􏰽􏰩􏰮􏰨
cover the cost of DashPass and provide
it as an employee food perk
Option 1 - Full Sponsorship: Sponsor 􏰙􏰚ÿ􏰛􏰜􏰝􏰞ÿ􏰟􏰇ÿ􏰠􏰉􏰝􏰞􏰢􏰠ÿ􏰟􏰐􏰎􏰍􏰐􏰣
Dash pass for your employees. You
Option 2 - Partial Sponsorship: Cover 􏱍􏱁􏰽􏰭􏰩􏱎􏰴􏰴􏰰ÿ􏰴􏰪􏱛􏰩􏱎ÿ􏰰􏰫􏱏􏰧􏰪􏰯􏰰ÿ􏰩􏰪ÿ􏰯􏰮􏰩􏰱􏰴􏰮􏰧􏰴􏰰􏱓ÿ􏰽􏰴􏰨ÿ
half the cost of DashPass for your
􏱍􏱁􏰽􏰭􏰩􏱎􏰴􏰴􏰰eÿ􏰰m􏰫p􏱏􏰴loÿ􏱐y􏰴e􏰨􏱑es􏰴,􏰴y􏰪ÿo􏰷u􏰿ÿp􏰨􏰩aÿ􏰷y􏱒$ÿ􏰽3􏰴.􏰮7ÿ5 and they 􏰽􏰲􏰮􏰱􏰼􏰫􏰰􏰴􏱓ÿp􏰪a􏰩ÿy􏱁 $􏰴􏰫3 􏰭. ÿ7􏰽5􏰮􏰴􏰽ÿ􏰮􏰴􏱔􏰲􏰧􏰮􏰴􏰦
􏱍􏱁􏰽􏰭􏰩􏱎􏰴􏰴􏰰Yÿo􏰴􏰪u􏱛r􏰩e􏱎ÿm􏰰􏰫p􏱏l􏰧􏰪o􏰯y􏰰eÿ􏰩e􏰪sÿ􏰯c􏰮o􏰩v􏰱e􏰴􏰮r􏰧􏰴th􏰰􏱓eÿ􏰽c􏰴o􏰨ÿst of
DashPass at $7.50

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