Page 2 - PRO_2023 Client Benefits Guide
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Top 5 Reasons to offer your employees benefits:
} Increase your appeal
} Minimize turnover
} Better morale
} Healthier employees
} Better job performance
If your business wants to attract and retain top talent, you will need to provide excellent employee benefits that will not only improve employee retention, but make them happier and healthier employees.
Eligibility: PRO benefits eligibility is for all full time regular employees who work 30 or more hours per week. Eligible employees can also enroll eligible family members under certain plans they choose for on themselves.
Open Enrollment: All PRO plans are based on a January
1 – December 31 calendar year. Open enrollment will
run in late fall every year, with all changes taking effect
st January 1 .
Why offer PRO Benefits?
Aministration: Take the headache away and let us handle it for you!
} Eligibility
} Terminations
} COBRA Administration
} Invoice Payment/Reconciliation } Compliance
} Required notices/disclosures
} Cafeteria Plan
} 5500 Reporting
} CMS Disclosure
} Annual marketing
Communication: From employee questions to benefits eligibility, you will have experts in benefits to properly educate and communicate the offerings to your employees. Educating your staff on benefits will equip them to be overall better consumers, more comfortable with their benefits and, in return, happier with their employer!
Simplification: Between a stream-lined eligibility notification process to a user-friendly HRIS benefit onboarding system, your employees will have 24/7 access to view all of their benefits at the click of a button.
Assurance: Benefits can be confusing. If you don’t have to worry about it, then don’t! By offering benefits through PRO, you will have complete assurance everything is being handled when it needs to be. No hidden agendas or training needed. You now have us to be the experts.
Convenience: PRO is a one-stop shop for all of your employee needs. Whether they are calling in with questions or logging in to their employee portal, all payroll, HR and benefits are in one central location for easy access.
This guide includes all benefits offered through PRO. It is up to you, as the worksite employer, to determine which benefits you wish to offer your employees.