Page 16 - The Battery Spring 2020
P. 16
The Battery
“Fire Mission-Fort Miles” Painting
By Jim Pierce
Thanks to Milton-based artist Paul Rendel, a number of whose works are on display at the Visiting Art- ists Gallery inside Battery 519 at the Fort Miles Museum, Fort Miles Historical Association is pleased to announce the receipt of a newly donated painting entitled “Fire Mission – Fort Miles.”
This oil painting began life as a sketch of the 12-inch artillery gun exhibit in the South Gun Room
of Battery 519. The initial sketch was transformed into this paint- ing. Paul added a gun crew who manned one of the two the 12- inch artillery guns in place at Fort
Miles during World War II. The painting depicts a fire mission as
it may have occurred during the war should a German warship have tried to breach the American coastline and waterways leading to Wilmington and Philadelphia.
Sequentially, the Officer-in Charge (left forefront) is likely looking at a shell (out of the painting) that is being transported by the overhead rail system from the adjoining shell room in the battery. As can be seen, the next shell to be shot
is held in place by two members of the gun crew and will then be placed on the wheeled shell cart.
In the meantime, the breech of the gun is being swabbed to prepare for the shell to be inserted into the gun tube once it is placed on the shell cart.
FMHA thanks Paul Rendel for this excellent addition to our growing collection of World War II art and other memorabilia. Graphic prints of this painting will be available for purchase at the Fort Miles Museum this summer and a print signing event, with Paul on hand to sign purchased prints, will also be scheduled.