Page 23 - The Battery Spring 2020
P. 23

Featuring handcrafted items now available to order!
Our ever-popular Tower Bird Feeders and Tower Night Lights are joined by new Logo Pillows and Logo Tote Bags.
Tower Birdfeeder 2-Logo Pillow 1-Logo Pillow 2-Logo Tote Bag 2-Logo Tote Bag Tower Night Light
$25 $45 $40 $35 $25 $35
     Order Form
Qty. ________, Tower Bird Feeder @ $25 = $___________ Qty. _______, Tower Night Light @ $35 = $__________
Add Shipping fee of $15/item - OR - your order can be picked up in the Gift Shop
Qty. ________, Tote Bag (2 logos) @ $35 = $___________ Qty. _______, Tote Bag (1 Logo) @ $25 = $__________ Indicate which logo: ____ Tower or ___ Museum
Add Shipping fee of $ 5/tote - OR - your order can be picked up in the Gift Shop
Qty. ________, Pillow (2 logos) @ $45 = $___________ Qty. _______, Pillow (1 logos) @ $40 = $__________ Indicate which logo: ____ Tower or ___ Museum
Add Shipping fee of $15/pillow - OR - your order can be picked up in the Gift Shop
To arrange pick up or to ask questions, email or call Nancy at 302-604-4755.
Name Email Phone Delivery Address
Mail this form and payment by check made out to FMHA to:
       FMHA Gift Shop Items, 18490 Carters Grove Cir. #7, Lewes, DE 19958

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